What's new at the Arbor!


Hey Arborites, we have some announcements and exciting developments coming up that we’re eager to share with you. The sun is slowly coming out again, and our pursuit of real food for comfort has been stronger than ever these first few months of 2021. Here’s the 411 on some new Arbor offerings!

Our Front Patio has a new look! 


To ensure our friends who prefer outside dining these days can stay warm while enjoying their plant-based dishes, we invite you to visit our front of house patio enclosed with covering to protect from damp weather, but not compromise the fresh air from being outside. The front patio’s biggest perk you ask? This seating area is now HEATED! Enjoy dining with your bubble, and the perfect patio happy hour during these cold months with this new and exciting alternative to indoor seating.

Happy Hour is back!


We could all use some more happy hour libations these days, accompanied by vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free bites. Enjoy our new plant-based take on Arancini, and Fried Sunchokes while you cheers to it being 5 o’clock somewhere. Our happy hour food and drink menu is available from 3-6PM. If you care to join us later in the evening, since Mom (Bonnie Henry) gave restaurants a curfew of 10PM, we’re going out strong every night with a “last glass” feature where you can finish off any open bottle for just $5. from 9:30pm-10pm. We’d like to think that’s a pretty happy hour, how about you? 

Menu Spotlight

Now that we’ve tempted you with our new front patio and happy hour features, expect to be lured into a visit even sooner with these menu features.

Caramel Coffee Flan


For our chocolate loving, vegan, and gluten free friends, we created the Caramel Coffee Flan just for you. With a chocolate amaranth bark, lime matcha gel, and tajin, round off your meal, and save room for dessert.

Mezze Platter

Our mezze platter is a dynamic dish, always changing with rotating goodies including pickled veg, preserves, dips, and burrata. Perfect to share, or indulge for one. 

Scott Lewis